Grants Galore: The Insider’s Scoop on Accessible Boiler Funding

The Need to Replace Your Old Back Boiler

Do you own a back boiler and want a more energy-efficient model? If so, you can replace your back boiler with a new condensing model through the UK government’s available grants for boilers. In fact, in the changing story of UK home heating, the decline of gas back boilers and non-condensing boilers is a significant shift. Once dominating home heating, these systems are now memories of the past, overshadowed by improved efficiency and environmental concerns. Back boilers were common in households, especially in the UK, before modern heating technologies emerged. Usually placed behind fireplaces, they burned solid fuels like coal or wood.

A back boiler’s main congratulations quotes, circulated throughout the home for heating and hot water. Integrated into the fireplace, they used the fire’s heat to warm the water inside the boiler. Setting up a back boiler needed space in your home, usually requiring a special fireplace. These boilers were simple and could be tucked away behind the fireplace, saving space inside the house. However, as time passed, back boilers lost popularity because of several drawbacks. Problems with efficiency, maintenance, and safety caused them to become less favored, making way for the more efficient and safer modern heating systems we have today.

Gas back boilers and non-condensing boilers had their golden age, reigning supreme in the realm of home heating in the UK. Celebrated for their reliability, these boilers were a common sight in many households, ensuring warmth and comfort during the colder months.

Why You Should Replace Your Back Boiler?

In today’s world, back boilers mainly stand out for their small size. However, the lower initial cost is outweighed by higher running expenses and repair challenges. In simpler terms, opting for a new back boiler isn’t advisable, given the variety of condensing boilers and low-carbon heating systems now accessible. Back boilers, less efficient than modern ones, waste up to £630 yearly on energy bills.

Moreover, since 2005, it’s illegal to install them due to high carbon emissions and safety regulations. Also repairing them is tough and costly with few companies producing replacement parts. Further, old back boilers are riskier than modern ones. There are rare reports of explosions. On top of that, running them incurs a hefty cost, wasting 30p for every £1 spent on energy.

What to Do With Your Old Back Boiler in the UK?

If your boiler is old or broken, the best move is to contact a Gas Safe registered engineer. They can guide you in picking the best new boiler for your home. What’s more, upgrading your boiler brings significant energy cost reductions and faster hot water.

Also when replacing your old back boiler, you have four options: install a combi boiler, system boiler, regular boiler, or a low-carbon system. No doubt, this all depends on the type depends and factors like your heating demands and budget. What’s more, all these options have over 90% energy efficiency. This makes them excellent replacements for your back boiler.

Opt for Combi Boiler

Well, the very first option is to replacing your back boiler with a combi boiler. This is a perfect choice for small to medium-sized homes. Next, combi boilers are extremely popular. They provide heat and hot water on demand. Second, they don’t require an extra tank. However, they may not be powerful enough for large homes with high hot water and heating demands.

Think of a Regular Boiler

Without a doubt, regular boilers are another option for replacing a back boiler. So if you’ve got a home with multiple bathrooms, this could be a better option for your family. However, regular boilers necessitate a tank in the loft to supply cold water. What’s more, they’ve got a large hot water storage tank to store the heated water for your taps.

Replace Back Boiler with a System Boiler

You can also replace your back boiler with a system boiler, especially if you have a larger home with two or more bathrooms. System boilers, drawing water from the mains, can fulfill higher water demands. Further, they heat central heating and store hot water in a tank. Thus, they make sure more hot water is readily available on demand.

Replace Back Boiler with a Low-Carbon System

Finally, for a more environmentally friendly back boiler replacement, you can opt for low-carbon heating systems like heat pumps, solar panels, or electric boilers. So choose the one that suits you the best.

As a matter of fact, these alternatives to gas boilers aid in lowering your home’s carbon emissions. They cut down on yearly energy bills due to increased efficiency.  Furthermore, considering a biomass boiler is a viable alternative to a log burner or wood burner with a back boiler. In fact, these are good for carbon-neutral heating options.


Although the environmental and economic advantages of low-carbon heating systems are evident, they require a financial investment that might not be feasible immediately. However, the positive news is that, in the meantime, you can progress on your path to decarbonize your home. Moreover, free boiler grants are available to replace your old, in-efficient back boiler. So apply today and check if you qualify for any.